Offices Of The United States Attorneys | GPE – December 22, 2017:
This chapter contains the Department’s policy regarding investigations and prosecutions of violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
The FCPA prohibits both United States and foreign corporations and nationals from offering or paying, or authorizing the offer or payment, of anything of value to a foreign government official, foreign political party, party official, or candidate for foreign public office, or to an official of a public international organization in order to obtain or retain business.
In addition, the FCPA requires publicly-held United States companies to make and keep books and records which, in reasonable detail, accurately reflect the disposition of company assets and to devise and maintain a system of internal accounting controls sufficient to reasonably assure that transactions are authorized, recorded accurately, and periodically reviewed.
To read full article ~ and associated articles ~ on the Office of The United States Attorneys’ website – please click here.
Further guidance on the FCPA is available in A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (2012), published by the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Enforcement Division of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. To read full Resource Guide in PDF format – please click here.