Our Core Services - At A Glance:

A New Humanitarian Paradigm

Global Project Engineering Group provides a Virtuous Circle for Industrial-Humanitarian Projects.


Global Project Engineering offers a Confidential framework through various Legal Industrial Entities (Trusts, Swiss Foundations, Corporations and others…).


Global Project Engineering is offering both Full Financial Accountability and traceability and Full Real Time Project Accountability.

Turn Key Implementation

Global Project Engineering is offering full Turn Key Implementation and Project Life Cycle Management Services.

Health & Wellness

Global Project Engineering is offering funding participation in Humanitarian Health and Wellness Services worldwide through access to a specially designed very large fleet of full-service Hospital Ships called Dolphins of Mercy.

Global Project Engineering will also develop a fleet of modified Airbus A-380 and or Boeing B-747 to act as specialized airborne clinics and supplement the land-side geographical reach of the Hospital Ships.

Furthermore, Global Project Engineering will direct funding towards a large amount of a continuous research effort (decades long) with World Class Research Centers and Universities' incubators.

Community & Ecosystem

During the last 20 years the frequency and the magnitude of storms has increased rapidly. The reason of this increase is not as important as the fact that destroyed communities are increasing in numbers and require rebuilding with increased frequency and magnitude. Rebuild we must and we will, but the destroyed communities do not have the financial means. The Insurance Companies when available are too slow to respond in real time.

Global Project Engineering's goal is to restart the communities in 2 to 3 years instead of the 5 to 10 years common today.

Global Project Engineering is offering to speed-up the rebuilding of small communities (with the least available financial means) worldwide, in rich and poor economies alike, in a holistic and coordinated manner (to create synergies) and applying sustainability principles.