GPE Organisational Chart

Please Note: We have been in the market place long enough that many people pretend to be our Mandate, or Broker, or even worse, to be part of our Company. All contracts must be signed by Dr. M. Nesterenko. Please also realize that our signatures are often faked or forged. In particular, we are not connected with Global Project Engineering GmbH from Germany and their Spanish connections. All Contracts or Official Documents must be sent from our Corporate email account ( If you ever have any concerns about the validity of our documents, please contact us via the email below:

Global Project Engineering Geneva CH

Relevant Contacts

Dr Michael Nesterenko | Chairman Of The Board, CEO


Professor Michel (Michael) Nesterenko | BIO

Legal Scholar and Professor (Juris Doctor) Focused on Finance of large International High-Tech Projects. Researched the Global Economic historical impact of the Spice Trade & Marshall Plan.

Professor Michael Nesterenko was born on 16 September 1947 and studied at the Science University of Paris (Orsay 1968), the University of California Berkeley (1972) and the California Western School of Law (1976). He is also a licensed Commercial and Airline Pilot.

For 30 years Professor Michael has worked for various Global Companies in the Commercial Aerospace Industry in Europe USA and Asia. In 1982 he worked as a Manager for an American Aerospace Company, participated in introducing the fledgling China Aerospace Industry to the American Aerospace Industry.

For 20 years (starting in 2000) Professor Michael has actively participated as a lecturing expert to Official Organizations, in the evolution of the Emergency Crisis Management in France and Europe. Professor Michael has also lectured at the University of Bordeaux, and other European Schools.

In 2003 (until the present) Professor Michael founded Global Project Engineering, in Geneva Switzerland, to provide Project Management, Compliance and Finance support to the expanding Humanitarian Industry.

In this Field the Lessons Learned from the Spice Trade (5’000 years) and the Marshall Plan (30 years) can help the Western World Economies to move from a Crisis mode to a Sustainable Development Mode.

Detailed references, publications and speeches can be provided on motivated request.

Mrs. Dayang Jumaah Binti Awang Moksin

Vice Chairman Global Project Engineering Geneva CH


Mrs. Dayang is a successful Corporate Executive owning and managing 2 Shipyards in ASIA.

Mrs. Dayang has been active for decades in the Oil trading and Oil exploration and drilling Support industry.

Mrs. Dayang has been active in Humanitarian Education and Health fields throughout the region for many years.

GLOBAL PROJECT ASIA is a GPE Group Company based in Singapore and Labuan MY for all activities in ASIA.

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Mr. Jean-Pierre Lenegre | Chief Of Staff


25 years of success in the Medical Equipment distribution industry as a Business Development Director and Owner of various Small and Medium Enterprises.

Developed multiple e-commerce platforms and Consulted for outsourcing with European Medical Equipment Manufacturing Companies.

Developed Humanitarian Health Equipment Logistics & Distribution centers.

Managed the local political interface for a chaotic Middle Eastern country as a Consultant for a French International Conglomerate. The system offered a secure, resilient, and sustainable 4 layers Telecom Grid integrating an IT backbone to securely manage administrative government services and offer public internet access as well as telecommunications.

Mr. Alexander Matthey | Chief of Operations


An accomplished and visionary senior Project Manager with extensive experience and varied expertise across Europe, Australia and the MENA area. With in-depth understanding of detailed business principles and practices, he drives for strategic and operationally practical solutions.

As Vice President Program Management Office at the Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC), he managed the team to delivered on time and under budget (AED 1.6 Billion under budget) one of the world’s biggest semi-automated ports with an adjacent industrial zone of two thirds of the size of Singapore. Led the execution of the top priority cross-functional corporate programs and projects at ADPC.

Taught Project Management Fundamentals and PMI / PMP certification courses in Europe, Northern Africa and Asia. Lecturer of MBA students, at the University of Geneva for MBA students in Program and Project Management. Lecturer at the Skema Business School Lille, France for Management of Information Systems. As of 2009 he coached over 35% of all Swiss PMPs.

Set-up a Project Management Office from scratch at Orange Communications Switzerland. Established Program Management as one of the Governance corporate management practices.

As the founding member of the PMI Switzerland Chapter he acted in numerous VP roles for 7 years. He mentored PMI Chapter Presidents in Northern and Western Europe for 2 years.

Elected Vice President of the Swiss Business Council of Abu Dhabi to promote business, social exchanges and mutual interest between the UAE and Switzerland.

Alexander holds a Masters Degree in Computer Electronics and Software Engineering (MSc) and also has a Master in Business Information Systems (MBIS). He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and holder of Green Belt Six Sigma.


Kristin Engvig | VP Women Workforce Access


Kristin Engvig (Norway) is the pioneering founder of WIN ~ Women’s International Networking ~ a global leadership initiative most known for the flagship event, the WINConference. In its 22nd year, it is the most established leadership forum preparing you for the future through a feminine lens. Kristin’s vision and innovative framework for change has touched more than 20,000 women leaders worldwide. Besides the numerous European meetings, outside Europe WIN events have been held Nigeria, Dubai, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi, Abuja, Tokyo, Delhi and Mumbai.

She was named among Diversity Global Magazine’s Top 10 Influential Women in Global Diversity and won the International Alliance of Women’s Award. She created WIN to bring alive a vision of a more conscious, feminine, interconnected, global and sustainable way – at work, in communities and in life. Her creation has grown into a transformational forum that serves as a reference for women working internationally and organizations active in the future of work, gender balance, conscious leadership, and D&I.

She is a skilled moderator and has interviewed on stage CEO’s of many of the best companies in the world, as well as political, NGO and UN leaders.  She also designs, curates and hosts leadership events, ‘mobilizing women tours’ and corporate programs. She inspires, connects, develops and encourages empowered women and men to live authentically and to use their innate power to shape a world that works for all.

In her early career, Kristin worked at JPMorgan, Citibank, Innovation Norway and as an international strategy and marketing consultant for the EU. She has an MSc in Business & Marketing from BI in Oslo as well as an MBA from
SDA Bocconi, Milan. Also educated an actor, she has extensively researched creativity, spirituality, intercultural management and communication. In her “journey life” is a passion for community, learning, art, creativity, theatre, kundalini yoga, Zen and family.

Mr. Robert Ducassou | Director IT


Director of Development with over 20 years experience using various IT services as a leverage in successful SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) turnaround initiatives.

Managed large institutional IBM accounts, within the framework of IBM Business Partner Network holding the n°1 position.

Served as Strategic Advisor and Coach to help European Companies bidding on China Belt and Road Initiative; Provided Coaching and Strategy to help Chinese Companies enter the European Market.

Solid network in EU-China commercial relations.


Mrs. Dayang Jumaah Binti Awang Moksin



Mrs. Dayang is a successful Corporate Executive owning and managing 2 Shipyards in ASIA.

Mrs. Dayang has been active for decades in the Oil trading and Oil exploration and drilling Support industry.

Mrs. Dayang has been active in Humanitarian Education and Health fields throughout the region for many years.

GLOBAL PROJECT ASIA is a GPE Group Company based in Singapore and Labuan MY for all activities in ASIA.

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Douglas C. Betts | VP Legal


Douglas C. Betts: Juris Doctor from University of Ottawa (1976) and undergraduate degree in Social Psychology from the University of Western Ontario

Mr. Betts is currently Counsel at McMillan LLP, a Canadian law firm with operations in all major cities in Canada and in Hong Kong. Mr. Betts is also a director of a number of private companies based in Hong Kong and Singapore focused on financial services technology, clean energy and revolutionary change. He has substantial experience in growth capital companies having founded and developed several different public and private entities in the financial services, mining and technology areas and is experienced in the capital markets and commodities sectors.

Mr. Betts was a co-founder of Borealis Infrastructure, which has become a major Canadian Infrastructure fund and developer, and served as its Managing Director until he sold his interest to a large Canadian pension fund. Before founding Borealis, Mr. Betts was a partner with Tory’s, a major Canadian law firm where he practiced business law with an emphasis on securities and real estate.

Mr. Betts has held commercial pilots license and held an instrument rating. He is an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys hiking, canoeing and kayaking.


Mr. John Smith | VP


Applies over 25 years of domestic and international engineering and business development experience to lead the implementation of a “next generation” innovation enterprise designed to vastly improve the success of start-up companies through long-term targeted engagements.

Expert and lecturer in Science and Technology implementation, training and Automation.

Board Member of University of Nebraska Electronic & Computer Engineering Advisory Board. At the request of the Chancellor, John agreed to lead the Strategic Planning team to promote the University’s cross-departmental effort in developing a University of Nebraska Omaha STEM Strategic Plan.

He instilled immediate changes in the approach to expand the effort to include representatives from K-12 educators and industry representatives in support of his “pipeline” view of STEM. The resulting program represented a significant enough potential impact to economic development in the Omaha market that it was adopted by the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln-Computer & Electronic Engineering-Industry Advisor and Keynote Speaker for annual freshman and sophomore event.

University of Nebraska, Omaha, Executive MBA Alumni Association. Funded and led creation of the Association in 2010 with a mission of allowing alumni to grow careers, opportunities and companies.

A significant portion of his effort is focused on the underserved groups represented by Veterans, Native Americans, African Americans, and other minorities. John brings the following to these innovators:

  • 10 years experience directing Business Development efforts resulting in millions of dollars in new revenue opportunities while consistently exceeding revenue expectations.
  • 7 years of sales management, direct sales and sales support experience negotiating and closing at C-level on deals as large as $7.2M.
  • 9 years domestic and international executive level experience building and directing multi-disciplined IT teams in delivering innovative solutions in excess of $19M.
  • 11 years experience leading executive level strategic planning efforts resulting in millions of dollars in operational optimization savings and new market revenue generation.

Mr. Michael Pos | VP Communications


Michael Pos has worked 26 years as an executive in HR for Nestle Worldwide including USA, Europe and Greater China.

Michael is a graduate of John Hopkins University with postgraduate work at the University of California School of Management and MIT Sloan School of Management.


Col (Ret.) Stephen Schiller | VP


From his 20 years plus in the Aerospace Industry and Pilot experience, Stephen Schiller is developing a complex, state of the art Multimodal Humanitarian World-wide Logistics System. This system is capable of real time (matter of hours) humanitarian crisis response all the way to the affected site. The Multimodal system significantly increases response speed and capacity of the Red Cross / Red Crescent, various UN Agencies, and NGOs. This system includes networking global capacities as well as storage and inventory of critically needed goods in crisis response environments to speed up the delivery response time. The system includes all forms of airborne and seaborne delivery of critically needed items in an emergency to challenging location.

Stephen Schiller has Masters of Aeronautical Science at Embry-Riddle University and Graduate of the US Army War College Advanced Strategic Arts Program.

As an experienced helicopter and airplane pilot, Colonel Schiller has enjoyed a distinguished 22 years career in the US Army. Colonel Schiller has earned numerous decorations including the Silver Star and the Purple Heart during multiple combat operations.

Stephen Schiller has advised a number of Gulf region nations in aviation training and logistics.

As VP of Wealth Management for a New York investment firm, Stephen Schiller has defined secured investment strategies for high net worth clients.

Stephen Schiller owns multiple aerospace companies and is active in various International Charities operating in the US and World Wide.

Col (Ret.) Lane Lance | Director, Industrial Humanitarian Project Management


Colonel (Retired) Lance spent thirty-three years in the United States Army leading, managing and organizing units to accomplish complex tasks, missions and projects. With this experience, Lane is developing concepts for a complex industrial system to optimize and increase the capacity of humanitarian responses to various large-scale emergencies. The goal is to achieve real-time response capability in orders of magnitude never imagined before, by efficiently managing a Humanitarian Industry capable of timely responses on a very large scale. Also, he is developing long-term, specific humanitarian projects with “over-the-horizon” vision (10 to 20 years). The large scale projects are in the fields of health, education, infrastructures & urban design, food production & water management.

Lane Lance is a certified project manager (Project Management Professional) with a master’s degree in Middle East Studies, a master’s degree in Strategic Studies, and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations.

Lane’s global experience is unique. He speaks Arabic and French and has worked with world-leaders to solve complex problems.

Colonel Lance has worked for 33 years in the US Army and trained the staff of various middle east nations. As a military attache, he orchestrated extremely successful complex and innovative national security projects. These projects have contributed to advancing security activities for peace projects in the Middle East.


Dr Professor Franz Hoermann


Dr. of Business Administration from University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria.

Habilitation in Accounting Software Models at the Department of Communications Engineering of the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

Lecturer and Researcher in Knowledge Management and Theory of Science.

Dr. Hoermann has worked extensively with the Austrian Board of Chartered Accountants and as an IT-Auditor.

Dr. Hoermann contribution is in research on accounting and semantic business modeling using predicate logic as well as “Process Oriented Business Modeling for SME” in partnership with the Vienna College for Business Management FHW Gmbh. and CF-Business Consulting and SME Research Austria and the Austrian Board of Chartered Accountants.

Dr. Hoermann is researching the new Economic Paradigm functioning within the network based Information Economy starting with a knowledge based approach to science integrating different scientific fields  in order to measure in real time the true wealth of assets and Nations within the dynamic stream.

Mr. Christian Sommade | Haut Comité Francais pour la Défense Civile


Mr. Christian Sommade is the General Secretary for HCFDC, a Think Tank and platform to facilitate communications between Government Entities and Business Entities for the purpose of promoting Best Practices regarding Resiliency and Crisis Management.

Mr. Ray Murray


Over 25 years experience as leading-edge ethical-business consultant / facilitator / executive coach and CEO mentor – promoting and teaching the principles of Globally Responsible Business.

Founder & CEO of True Nature Enterprises LTD, based in the UK and Sweden.

Facilitator of Various Ethical Business Startups & “World-Improvement” Projects in W. Midlands, UK and in Washington DC, San Francisco, Colorado, Detroit, USA.

Consultant and Freelance Educator / Coach – British Petroleum’s Virtual Teamworking Project.

Training Manager for Thomas Cook Travel Management TEAMS Program – designed to transform TCTM worldwide into highly successful division of the Thomas Cook Group.

Served as a Police Sergeant and Police Duties Instructor for Thames Valley Police – Milton Keynes, UK.

And many other Experts and Technology specialists.


About Our Corporate Partners:

  • We provide some specialized services through a dozen partners with the latest technology.
  • All services meet the exacting standards of our Quality Control management