A New: "We The People of The Planet" HelpLine Initiative by GPE

To Empower Young Women and Young Men and their Elders – Worldwide:
To Sustainably Beautify their own Planet
~ For the sake of their Community and their Children ~

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Sustaining Beautiful Ecosystems
For The Future

How This Will Work:

  • By funding small existing local projects everywhere and synergising a very large number of activities worldwide the sustainable end results will be many times greater.

  • This Initiative is the iTunes model of the sustainable Ecosystem in the Era of the Social Networks:

    • In Crowdfunding many will fund one project.

    • Via this GPE Helpline Initiative Project, one Foundation will fund many projects.

    • Each project funded will be small, but the aggregate result will be a game changer at the Planetary Level.

    • This Game Change will be sustainable because it is produced by the energy of millions of engaged people who want to take ownership of their own Planetary Future.

    • The initiative’s Synergising of projects will also have the effect of setting up and strengthening communities in the context of true diversity, around various Sustainable Beautification of Ecosystems goals, locally and beyond national boundaries.

    • This is facilitated by the existing Social Networks.

    • The Banking system can facilitate the funding on a large scale due to the development of on-line banking and the facility to program the small payments on a regular basis, weekly or monthly, for the whole year in advance.

    • Governance is assured by a staff of « Validation Tourists » travelling and making reports via short iPhone videos and other technological means.

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