Water & Wastewater International | By: Vijay Sundaram, Lucinda Jooste, Melanie Holmer & Allegra da Silva | GPE – December 20, 2017:

Ozone-biologically activated carbon has been in use at drinking water treatment plants for years. However, the benefits of such technologies are now being acknowledged at wastewater treatment plants for water reuse applications.

Pressures on traditional water resources have pushed communities around the world to evaluate various options for expanding resources, including potable water reuse.

By 2050, scientists predict that population and economic growth will result in an additional 1.8 billion people globally (representing a 53 percent increase) living in regions with high water stress, largely in emerging markets.

Water reuse will eventually be essential to meet urban demand from an additional 1.8 billion people

After the “low-hanging fruit” of water use efficiency and consumption reductions are maximised, alternative water sources are an appealing option, as interbasin transfers and overdrawing conventional supplies can have major social, environmental, and political ramifications.

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