Greentech Media | By: Julian Spector | GPE – September 12, 2017:
For most, the payoff is not here yet, according to a new NREL study. But it’s coming as PV deployment increases.
With so few utility-scale solar-plus-storage projects actually built, we don’t have much data on how their economics work. Now those companies considering it – a group that includes all major solar developers – have a bit more insight, thanks to Paul Denholm and his colleagues at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Their new analysis models the benefit-cost ratio of several solar and storage configurations under present circumstances and projected cases in 2020.
In today’s market, under the assumptions of the model, standalone PV beats any of the hybrid combinations. Fast-forward to 2020 with an assumed 15 percent solar penetration, and DC-coupled PV-plus-storage with the federal Investment Tax Credit takes the lead.
To read full article, originally published August 22, 2017: – please click here.