Renewable Energy World | By: Sven Lindström | July 13, 2017:

The stars are aligned for a breakthrough of small-scale solar energy in urban areas. This could completely change the world, the planet’s source of energy generation and save the environment. However, there are also obstacles to this bright future from the unlikeliest of sources.

On the plus side, thin film solar cell efficiency records are broken almost every month and the cells are becoming cheaper to produce. More importantly companies are starting to consider the potential of solar panels that are not made with heavy glass or a rigid frame. To integrate PV on buildings and in cities, panels need to be lightweight, durable and flexible (in size and shape) so they can integrate into available building materials.

In addition, we are witnessing rapid development in battery technology and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). Tesla is actively marketing its Powerwall rechargeable battery for the storage of solar energy, and is expected to soon launch its highly anticipated solar roof. There is promising research in more advanced and efficient battery technology, e.g. lithium-air batteries and solid-state batteries. Further, there is recognition that the energy needs of tomorrow’s megacities cannot be met with central generation. By 2050, it is predicted that 70 percent of the global population will live in urban areas.

But there are obstacles to this bright future…

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