Looking China | Video | October 16, 2017:
“Looking China” International Youth Film Project is co-organized by the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture (AICCC), Beijing Normal University and Huilin Foundation. The program focuses on the young participants’ personal experiences of Chinese culture and encourages them to discover and tell Chinese stories from their own perspectives.
As of the year 2017, students from all over the world were invited to participate in the project. They were stationed in 12 municipality, provinces and autonomous regions here in China. Every filmmaker has worked out a 10-minute short film about Chinese culture around the topic of “Craftsmanship·Inheritance·Innovation.”
The 10 minutes movie “Desert Combater” starts with a grand view of the Hobq Desert, which is the seventh largest in China and located at the northern part of Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia. In the 1980s and 1990s, Hobq was dubbed as a synonym for “poverty” in the nation.
However, there are people such as Zhang Xiwang who sought to change conditions and alleviate poverty. His team have planted trees in the region for over 15 years. He believes that tree planting and desertification control can accumulate good merits, since it’s a movement of kindness. He considers himself a guardian for greenness in the Hobq Desert.
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