Clean Technica | By: Michael Barnard | September 17th, 2017:
Electric cars and other vehicles continue to gain momentum, just as autonomous features are becoming mainstream. But while potential job losses due to autonomy are a strong focus, the multitude of impacts electrification will have on road transportation aren’t as clearly stated.
Overall, the impact will be very positive economically, but there will be a lot of disruption and many losers too.
Let’s assume a reasonable transition period of roughly 40 years to get to the point where electric cars were pretty much the only cars being sold. Internal combustion cars won’t disappear overnight, after all.
Primary impacts:
♦ Wealth will be generated globally.
♦ A lot of legacy car companies won’t make it*.
♦ Much less oil will be consumed.
♦ Much less money in automotive parts.
♦ Carbon-neutral electrical generation companies will flourish.
♦ Car dealerships may disappear, but at minimum there will be a lot fewer of them.
…and many more…
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