94% Of US Tap Water Has Micro Plastic Fibers In It, Study Finds (Oh, & That Sea Salt, Beer, Flour, & Honey That You Buy … It Does As Well)

Clean Technica | By: James Ayre | September 10th, 2017: The scale of the world’s current micro plastics pollution problem can’t be overstated. Plastics, and more importantly their nearly invisible half-broken-down remnants, are now everywhere. They’re in the food you eat, the water you drink, and even often enough in Read more…

Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (Drones) Mid-Air Collision Study:

UK Department for Transport | Military Aviation Authority | British Airline Pilots’ Association | GPE – July 26, 2017: The Department for Transport, the Military Aviation Authority and British Airline Pilots’ Association commissioned a study into the effects of a mid-air collision between small remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS, commonly Read more…

Heco Targets 100 Percent Renewables, Which Includes Plans To Double PV Rooftop Systems By 2030:

Photon | Post date: 20/07/2017: The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has accepted the Hawaiian Electric Companies’ plan charting the near-term actions that will lead to 100 percent of Hawaii’s power generation needs coming from renewable resources by 2045. According to Heco, the Power Supply Improvement Plan Update describes the Read more…

‘Significant Implications’ For Design Of African Power Markets As Renewables’ Prices Fall:

Engineering News | By: Terence Creamer | 26th June 2017: Recent renewable energy price reductions, together with sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA’s) formidable solar and wind resources, have made solar and wind technologies the cheapest sources of power in several countries, which carries significant implications, a newly published academic paper argues, for Read more…